Image for Indiana County Tourist Bureau

Indiana County Tourist Bureau

Indiana County Tourist Bureau supports the growth of Indiana County’s tourism presence through continued promotion and marketing of its members and the region.

There are many reasons people visit Indiana County. They come to visit their student at IUP, attend a business meeting or a large conference, for a bus tour or weekend getaway, to attend a special event or to reunite with family and friends. Whatever the reason, welcoming visitors to our county supports economic growth and sustainability. Through extensive tourism sales and marketing initiatives, Indiana County Tourist Bureau works to attract visitors to our county. These visitors boost our local businesses, tax dollars, and employment rates. Tourists spend discretionary dollars on hotel accommodations, eating, drinking, shopping, entertainment, and other travel and hospitality services. ICTB is incredibly proud to promote Indiana County as a tourist and convention destination which then supports our local businesses and festivals from the dollars spent here by travelers. We invite anyone who is interested in planning to visit Indiana County to contact us for assistance. 

Outdoor Recreation:

Indiana County Parks & Trails is a natural resource-based park system located in west-central Pennsylvania. They operate 2,700 acres of parks, natural areas and historic sites along with an extensive regional trail system. Offering year-round facility rentals, rental facilities and activities including an extensive environmental education program series by Friends of the Parks. Friends of the Parks is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality environmental education programs in the Indiana County Parks system and at Yellow Creek State Park.

Discover Indiana County Parks & Trails!

What is Ecotourism?

“Environmentally responsible travel to natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (and accompanying cultural features, both past and present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor impact and provide for beneficially active socio-economic involvement of local peoples.” – Referenced from the World Conservation Union (IUCN)

The Indiana County EcoTour is a multifaceted project that promotes ecotourism around the county. The Indiana County Geo-Trail: 

Our GeoTrail consists of 20 geocaches hidden at sites of environmental significance to help you learn more about our county and the environment.  You can find more information regarding  at The Indiana County GeoTrail and at Indiana County EcoTour Videos

To find out more about Eco-Tourism and Conservation in Indiana County visiting the Evergreen Conservancy website.


In May 2017, the Indiana County Commissioners established the Indiana County Sustainable Economic Development Task Force in partnership with Evergreen Conservancy, the Center for Community Growth, and League of Women Voters of Indiana County. The mission of the Task Force was to identify new opportunities in four sectors: agriculture, renewable energy, building construction and materials, and environmental restoration and stewardship. 

More information can be found by visiting The Indiana County Sustainable Economic Development Task Force website.



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